The passion for flying, for rc paragliding, for the world of modeling in general has allowed us to know and share ideas, projects, messages, moments of pure fun with people from all over the world.

Thanks to all our customers, friends and supporters who, with their contribution, allow us to continue developing the passion for radio-controlled paragliding.

Special thanks also go to the following experts and friends who, with their experience and passion for flight and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and engineering have made a very important contribution to the improvement and optimization of our wings. radio controlled paragliding (rc paragliding) and to our rc paragliding pilot control units and rc paramotor.


CFD FEA FEM SERVICE : one of the reference points for consultancy for advanced FEA FEM CFD analysis, great experience and professionalism.

XFLR5 VIRTUAL WIND TUNNEL : A very reliable, easy to use open source cfd tunnel made by our French friend and great aerodynamics expert Andrè Deperrois.

MINIPLANE PARAMOTORS : The world reference point for the development and cutting-edge technical solutions in the field of paramotors. Our point of reference for the development and optimization of motorized units.

LABORATORI D’ENVOL RESEARCH APPLIED TO PARAGLIDER DESIGN : A beautiful site created by my Catalan friend Pere Casellas. An inexhaustible source of information shared without jealousy with the worldwide community of enthusiasts and experimenters.

MIM paramodels Team wish to thank You All Guys !!!